Business Computing, Managed Services, Technology
by Mleate Asmare • November 05, 2021
Let me ask you a quick question: when was your critical business technology last updated? When do your software licenses expire? When did your printer last have any maintenance performed on it?
If you’re unsure of the answers to these questions, you need to have a better handle on your IT inventory. Let’s go over why, and how we can help.
Here’s the thing: for your IT to work to your favor, you need to maintain total control and awareness of it. You effectively need to know everything about every piece of hardware you possess—when it was purchased, who initially set it up, when and by who it last received maintenance.
After all, your IT required some significant investment on your part… doesn’t it make sense to invest in protecting it? Keeping a record of this kind of information is a very important part of protecting it, as this record can help you form your decisions in the future.
Ciracom can help you there. Not only do our professional IT technicians expertly deploy and manage the solutions our clients rely on each day, but we also maintain detailed documentation of every component of their infrastructures as well as a running record of all the actions we take to keep them up and running efficiently. Using advanced diagnostic tools, we identify and mitigate any shortcomings, ensuring your systems are fully updated with all appropriate patches applied.
Of course, doing so will cause us to generate extensive documentation. For instance, here are some of the records we keep:
Tracking this information helps to guide us as we manage our clients’ critical technology solutions so that we can deliver the greatest benefit to their operations. This record also assists our staff in identifying and diagnosing future issues that could potentially impact a client’s IT.
If you would like to find out how managed IT services could assist your operations, reach out to our team. Ciracom is always available to answer your questions and give you more information about our services. Give us a call at (703) 621-3900 today.
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